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Tuesday, September 29, 2020

South River Picnic Grounds to Lewis Mountain Picnic Grounds - Appalachian Trail - Shenandoah National Park

We continued our late May 2019 visit to Shenandoah National Park with a 5.65-mile hike on the Appalachian Trail from the South River Picnic Grounds north to the Lewis Mountain Picnic Grounds. On this segment of the trail, we saw another bear. It was further away than the one north of the Ivy Creek Overlook. This time, I had enough presence of mind to take some shaky telephoto video as well as photographs of it grazing.

Heading north from the South River Picnic Grounds, the trail reaches the South River Fire Road in ½ mile. In that distance, the trail dips and climbs 60 feet yielding an average grade of less than 5% down and up. From the fire road, the trail climbs about 700 feet in 1½ miles to reach the summit of an unnamed mountain yielding a grade of less than 9%. Along the climb, pass a Skyline Drive access trail at 1.4 miles and a false viewpoint at 1.8 miles. Descending 240 feet in the next ½-mile gives an average 9% downgrade. At three miles, an incredible series of stone stairs begins a half-mile descent of 240 feet to the Pocosin Cabin Road at an average 9% grade. A second 60 foot dip and rise over the next 0.2 miles yields grades of over 11% down and up. This is followed by ½ mile of flat terrain, something very rare on the AT. Following the level at 4.2 miles is another descent, this time 80 feet over 0.3 miles yielding a grade of just 5%. From this point at 4.5 miles, the trail climbs 340 feet in 0.8 miles to reach the Lewis Mountain Campground at 5.3 miles. The final 0.4 miles sees a short descent of  60 feet, a rise of 40 feet, and a final descent of 40 feet. yielding average grades of 11% down, 7½% up, and 7½% down. A short, unsigned path to the left leads to the lower portion of the Lewis Mountain picnic grounds. 

Paved parking areas are provided at both picnic areas. While the South River picnic area is well signed, some scouting is required at Lewis Mountain as there are no signs about the AT in the picnic area. The AT access trail begins at the northeast corner of the lower picnic grounds.

Topographic map with GPS route

Elevation profile

Access trail

Left is northbound AT, right is southbound AT, straight is South River Falls Trail

Northbound AT

Typical trail conditions: rocks and toots

More rocks

AT (left) crossing the South River Fire Road

Growth spurt in the understory

Waterbar and lots of vegetation

Sidehill climbing

Denser forest leaves thinner understory

Intersection with Skyline Drive access (0.1 mile left)

The trail is nearly overgrown despite the best efforts of the volunteer trail maintainers

Black beat (Ursus americanus)

Ferns and more ferns

Approaching the false viewpoint

There should be a view from here, right?

View to the left

View to the right

Massive boulders line the trail

AT passes through a young forest

More ferns

Too rocky for ferns to grow

Another field of ferns

Yes, this is the trail

Rock ledges and stairs

More stone stairs down

Even more stone stairs

The trail finally levels out

Log stairs

Intersection with a side trail to a spring and Pocosin Cabin

The side trail

Single track

Pocosin Cabin Road crosses the AT

Recently maintained trail allows for passing or meeting other hikers with ease

A gap in the trees provides a view to the east

A white blaze and fresh-cut grass

The trail parallels Skyline Drive for a short distance

The trail veers off from Skyline Drive and begins climbing again

Nearing Lewis Mountain Campground

The AT in an open forest

The remnant of the Lewis Mountain Trail crosses the AT

The side trail now ends at an overlook 0.4 miles distant

Lewis Mountain Campground viewed from the trail intersection

Descending log stairs

The end of this segment

This short, unblazed side trail leads to the Lewis Mountain picnic area

A Shenandoah National Park entry fee of $30 per vehicle, $25 per motorcycle, or $15 per person is valid for seven consecutive days. Other fee payment options include the America the Beautiful - National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands passes including the Annual Pass ($80), Senior Pass ($80 for a lifetime), Access Pass (free with a documented disability), and Military Annual Pass (free for active-duty personnel). Also available is a Shenandoah Annual Pass for $55. 

The Shenandoah National Park website is

The Appalachian National Scenic Trail website is
The Appalachian Trail Conservancy website is

Sunday, September 27, 2020

Swift Run Gap to South River Picnic Grounds - Appalachian Trail - Shenandoah National Park

We enjoyed our early May 2019 trip to Shenandoah National Park so much that we made another trip three weeks later in late May 2019. Our first hike was on the Appalachian Trail from Swift Run Gap north 3.0 miles to the South River picnic grounds.

For the first two miles, the trail climbs at an average grade of 10½% passing the Saddleback Trail intersection at 1.5 miles. The final mile descends about 300 feet for an average descending grade of 5½%.

Topographic map with GPS route

Elevation profile

One of two parallel parking areas on Skyline Drive at Swift Run Gap


First blaze

Sidehill climbing

The fallen tree ahead took out the canopy allowing sunlight to reach the forest floor

Sunlight on the ground here is due to a powerline right of way

Typical trail conditions

Just cut out enough to get one knee at a time through

Straight into a denser forest

Well-spaced log stairs

Spring ephemerals have been overtaken by other vegetation

Saddleback Mountain Trail junction

Typical trail conditions

Blowdown sculpture

Approaching South River Hut Road junction
(Turn left here and follow the dirt road)

Follow the road for about 900 feet...

...until the trail turns right at another double blaze

The trail quickly reverts to a footpath

Another clearing in the forest

Definitely a duck-under

A plethora of ferns between the trail and the picnic grounds

End of the line for us as we take the 500-foot side-trail to the left

Trailhead signage at the picnic grounds

A Shenandoah National Park entry fee of $30 per vehicle, $25 per motorcycle, or $15 per person is valid for seven consecutive days. Other fee payment options include the America the Beautiful - National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands passes including the Annual Pass ($80), Senior Pass ($80 for a lifetime), Access Pass (free with a documented disability), and Military Annual Pass (free for active-duty personnel). Also available is a Shenandoah Annual Pass for $55. 

The Shenandoah National Park website is

The Appalachian National Scenic Trail website is
The Appalachian Trail Conservancy website is