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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Bridge Trail - Obed Wild & Scenic River

I spent an afternoon visiting the Obed Wild and Scenic River on the third weekend in April, 2013.  I parked at Lilly Bridge and hiked up the Bridge Trail to Lilly Bluff.  Along the way, I took short spur trails to both the Lower and Upper Melton Mill Falls.  The Bridge Trail is only ½ mile, but it climbs about 200 feet from the bridge to the top of the bluff.

Clear Creek from Lilly Bridge

Bridge Trail

Lower Melton Mill Falls

Trees were down across the spur trail in several locations

Returning on the spur trail toward the Bridge Trail

The trail levels off after climbing to the base of Lilly Bluff

Obstructed view of Upper Melton Mill Falls

Upper Melton Mill Falls

The trail climbs high above the falls

Unique rock formations invite further exploration

View from Lilly Bluff overlook

Overlook platform

From Lilly Bluff, I decided to hike out the Point Trail a short distance to the bridge over Melton Mill Branch and was rewarded with several nice scenes.

Point Trail approaching Melton Mill Branch

Point Trail bridge over Melton Mill Branch

Small cascade on Melton Mill Branch

Melton Mill Branch drops two feet before flowing under the bridge

A large tree had fallen from the bluff above the Bridge Trail

Life is tenacious as demonstrated by this tree

Clear Creek was at 7 feet on the gage

Clear Creek below Lilly Bridge

Dwarf Iris on the creek bank

Entry to Obed Wild & Scenic River is free.

The park website is

Monday, April 29, 2013

Melton Lake Greenway - Oak Ridge, Tennessee

The Melton Lake Greenway is a 5.6 mile multi-purpose trail for walking, jogging, bicycling and skating.  Pets are welcome.  We planned to bike the entire greenway on our visit in mid-April, 2013, but the northern section was too crowded due to a rowing competition on the lake.  We started at the Union Valley Road parking area at mile 2.25 and biked to the west entrance to Haw Ridge Park at mile 5.6 and back to Union Valley Road for a total of 6.7 miles.  As the entire route is either asphalt, concrete or wooden boardwalk, road bikes would be preferred.  However, our hybrid bikes were up to the task.  The initial section south of the parking lot climbs on an 8% grade and is posted as very steep and not suitable for wheelchairs.  The section from mile 4 to mile 5 also climbs, but at a much more reasonable 2% grade.

Gravel Union Valley Road parking area

Geese near the parking area

Initial steep climb south of the Union Valley parking area

View from the bench at the top of the hill

The trail returns to the Clinch River

The southern lakeside section of the greenway is concrete

A boardwalk crosses the inlet at Bethel Valley

From the lakeside at Bethel Valley, the trail turns westward and climbs inland across the north side of Haw Ridge to return to the lake at the parking area for the west entrance to Haw Ridge Park.

Melton Hill reservoir from Haw Ridge parking area

The return journey provided a few additional vantage points of the greenway.

Much of the Haw Ridge section is shaded

The only intersection is with Old Edgemoor Road in Haw Ridge Park

Following the power lines to Bull Run power plant

The trail turns north across the river from Bull Run Ridge

Looking north toward the Edgemoor Road bridge

After climbing the first hill, a long descent awaits before the second hill climb

The Oak Ridge greenway website is

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Cades Cove - Great Smoky Mountains National Park

We had the opportunity to take one of our favorite drives in mid-April, 2013.  The Cades Cove loop road is an 11 mile one-way, one-lane road through a beautiful valley in the mountains.  At the entrance to the cove, a side road leads to a picnic area and a campground.  The campground also has a ranger station as well as a small store, restrooms, an open-air auditorium, and a bicycle rental facility.

Ranger station and campground fee station

Camp store with bicycle rentals at the rear

Covered open-air auditorium

The loop road travels counter-clockwise around the cove.  Several fields are still fenced to provide pasture for the horses that are also available for rent.

Horseshoe Ridge and Cobb Ridge

Open pasture

Dogwood in bloom

More open fields

Tater Branch

Vast open spaces


Deer grazing near the road

Ridges recede into the distance

Deer grazing and resting beyond the turnout for Abrams Falls

Wildflowers near Abrams Creek

Wildflower closeup

The following video of a wild turkey crossing the road was shot with a hand-held camera as there wasn't time to set up the tripod.

The park website is