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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Bridge Trail - Obed Wild & Scenic River

I spent an afternoon visiting the Obed Wild and Scenic River on the third weekend in April, 2013.  I parked at Lilly Bridge and hiked up the Bridge Trail to Lilly Bluff.  Along the way, I took short spur trails to both the Lower and Upper Melton Mill Falls.  The Bridge Trail is only ½ mile, but it climbs about 200 feet from the bridge to the top of the bluff.

Clear Creek from Lilly Bridge

Bridge Trail

Lower Melton Mill Falls

Trees were down across the spur trail in several locations

Returning on the spur trail toward the Bridge Trail

The trail levels off after climbing to the base of Lilly Bluff

Obstructed view of Upper Melton Mill Falls

Upper Melton Mill Falls

The trail climbs high above the falls

Unique rock formations invite further exploration

View from Lilly Bluff overlook

Overlook platform

From Lilly Bluff, I decided to hike out the Point Trail a short distance to the bridge over Melton Mill Branch and was rewarded with several nice scenes.

Point Trail approaching Melton Mill Branch

Point Trail bridge over Melton Mill Branch

Small cascade on Melton Mill Branch

Melton Mill Branch drops two feet before flowing under the bridge

A large tree had fallen from the bluff above the Bridge Trail

Life is tenacious as demonstrated by this tree

Clear Creek was at 7 feet on the gage

Clear Creek below Lilly Bridge

Dwarf Iris on the creek bank

Entry to Obed Wild & Scenic River is free.

The park website is

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