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Monday, March 10, 2014

Wonder Land - Acadia National Park

Our October 2013 trip to Acadia National Park concluded with a late afternoon stroll out to a rocky point variously called Wonder Land or Wonderland.  The trail seems to have once been a driveway or single-lane road.  The gravel surface makes for easy walking on the 1.4 mile round trip.  The trail starts at a small pullout on Maine Route 102A about one mile south of the Seawall campground and proceeds through the forest to the rocky shore.  Near the shore, the trail makes a large loop to return via the same path.  This trail is rated very easy by the park service.

A short section of trail with roots and rocks leads to...

...the main trail of hard packed gravel

Weather conditions at Acadia can cause some trees to grow sideways

Stunted evergreens growing on almost bare rock

Great Gott Island

Great Cranberry Island on the horizon

The beach consists of rocks of various shapes and origins

Some of the blocks of rock still have sharp edges...

...while the waves have smoothed the rough edges of  others

A beautiful October sea and sky

Water continues to sculpt the shoreline

Late afternoon light on the rocky shoreline

Bennet Cove

Waterfowl on Bennet Cove

Another view of Bennet Cove

The trail loops back through the forest

One section of the trail is solid bedrock

Makeshift fencing keeps visitors from damaging recently restored areas

Life seems to thrive even in very poor soils

Deer grazing along the side of Route 102A

Although there is not a fee station at Wonder Land, an entrance fee of $20 per vehicle is collected at Acadia National Park.  The vehicle pass is valid for seven consecutive days.  Another option is to purchase the America the Beautiful - National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass valid for one year for $80.  A lifetime Senior Pass is available for $10 for those 62 years of age or older.

The park website is

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