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Thursday, March 5, 2015

Chief Ladiga Trail - Day 2: Piedmont to Anniston

We rode the remaining 19 miles of the Chief Ladiga Trail on the fourth overall day of riding from Atlanta in November 2014. While the eastern portion of the trail is a grade through mountains, the western portion is nearly level through fields and almost always closely followed by major highways. This portion of the trail also bisects the campus of Jacksonville State University, including on sidewalks around the fraternity houses on Village Street.

Eubanks House - The Piedmont Welcome Center

A single tree guards the fields near Alabama 21

Flat and straight

Remnant foundations of an old railroad facility, possibly a coal tipple

A couple of the bridges over Tallasseehatchee Creek

Jacksonville provides a local mileage chart

The slow moving Tallasseehatchee Creek

A turtle sunning on a stump in Tallasseehatchee Creek

A dammed portion of Tallasseehatchee Creek

A typical signpost along the trail

The Jacksonville Train Depot is immediately south of JSU

Another view of the Depot

Less than a mile separates the end of Jacksonville from the beginning of Weaver along the trail

The reverse of this sign is another Welcome to Weaver

Only about the final 1/4 mile of the trail is in Anniston

Hopefully not the permanent end of the trail

A small park and gazebo are located at the end

Use of the Chief Ladiga Trail is free. Parking at designated trailheads is also free.

A useful trail website is

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