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Monday, March 30, 2015

Gray Whale Watching in the Santa Barbara Channel

A whale-watching excursion was the next experience on our February 2015 southern California trip. In addition to providing transportation to the Channel Islands National Park, Island Packers also offers three-hour wildlife-viewing tours of the Santa Barbara Channel. During the winter, gray whales migrate through the area. These animals can reach lengths of 40 to 45 feet and weigh up to 45 tons. Unfortunately, the meteorologists had correctly predicted an overcast day with showers likely. Ventura received 0.14 inches of rain for the day. Since we had been watching the forecasts, we had already kayaked and hiked at Santa Cruz Island the previous two days. While the morning started calm and overcast, the rain didn't hold off for long. Most of the pictures were taken in a light, misting rain and are not of the best quality. However, this was the only opportunity we had to see the gray whales. After leaving the harbor, a couple of dolphins chose to ride our bow wake for a while. Although the captain searched diligently, we only saw one pod of about five gray whales which we followed for ten minutes or so. At this point, the captain had planned to head to the south side of Anacapa Island to see the seal and sea lion rookeries. However, a large rain squall in that area caused him to cruise along the north side of Anacapa Island before heading back to port.

Wildlife viewing route

Great blue heron by the dock

Still water in the Ventura harbor

Steller sea lion hauled out on the buoy again

Light beams

A curious California sea lion approaches

Another view of the California sea lion

One of the numerous oil rigs in the Santa Barbara Channel

Exhale condensate

Evidence of another whale

Three whales

A gray whale's two blowholes often create a heart-shaped plume

One whale

An out-of-focus closeup

Island Packers has scheduled gray whale viewing trips throughout the winter.

Island Packers website is

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