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Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Joshua Tree National Park - Fortynine Palms Trail

Our February 2015 trip to Joshua Tree National Park continued with a three-mile round trip hike to Fortynine Palms Oasis. The trailhead is located at the southern end of Canyon Road in Twentynine Palms. Canyon Road intersects CA 62 about four miles west of the intersection of Adobe Road and CA 62. The access is well marked in both directions. The first mile of Canyon Road heads almost directly south through a residential area with numerous driveways and a few intersections. At Baseline Road, a small park service sign directs visitors to stay on Canyon Road as it veers left. Continue to the parking area at the end of the road. From CA 62, the road climbs about 300 feet to an elevation of about 2740 feet at the trailhead. The trail is rated moderately strenuous by the park service and they provide this notice on the flyer available at the trailhead kiosk.
A Note Of Caution
Last year there were five helicopter rescues and eight carryouts from the 49 Palms Oasis Trail. Only one was because of injury. The remainder were due to medical conditions such as asthma, diabetes, or heart trouble. Please assess your fitness for this hike and if you have doubts, choose a less strenuous hike. If you have health issues, be certain to have proper medications with you and do not hike alone. While the oasis offers shade, this 1.5-mile trail does not, and you will need to travel it twice, climbing 300 feet each way! Be sure that you are carrying adequate water and wear sunscreen and a hat.
Do not overestimate your ability nor underestimate how the desert will affect you. Adequate water varies by season, but the rule of thumb is to drink at least one quart/liter per mile of hiking. If half of your water is gone before reaching the oasis, abandon your goal and return to the trailhead. Although the oasis is just a couple of miles from town, cell coverage is intermittent at best on the oasis side of the ridge. With a bit of preparation, this is a great hike to a beautiful destination.

Trail topographic map

Trail elevation profile

GPS track overlayed on a USGS aerial photograph

Paved parking area

There is a trail through here that includes stone steps

More stone steps

The ridge we need to climb over

Pencil Cholla Cactus

Hidalgo Mountain at left center on horizon (24 miles)

Looking back at the switchbacks with a view of the parking area

The trail continues to climb the ridge

The trail turns and climbs higher

The mouth of Fortynine Palms Canyon, the City of Twentynine Palms
and the Bullion Mountains

Lots of rocks and a small directional sign mark a turn in the trail

Looking down into Fortynine Palms Canyon

The trail levels out

The trail starts down the ridge as we get the first glimpse of our destination in the distant canyon

The oasis is just around that hill at the base of the canyon

The trail crosses a dry wash

One final short climb

Fan Palms at Fortynine Palms Oasis

More palms

Cactus and palms


Water at the oasis

More palms at the oasis

There are more than 49 palms at the oasis

A lizard suns on the rocks

Looking down the canyon toward Twentynine Palms

An entrance fee of $15 admits all the passengers of a single vehicle for seven days. Other options include an annual Joshua Tree National Park Pass for $30, an Interagency Annual Pass for $80 and a lifetime Interagency Senior Pass for those age 62 and older for $10.

The park website is

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