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Saturday, May 23, 2015

Devil's Hall Trail - Guadalupe Mountains National Park

Our May 2015 visit to Guadalupe Mountains National Park continued with a hike toward Devil's Hall. The trail head is located in the RV section of the Pine Springs campground, but the limited parking area was already full on this weekend morning. We had to park back at the Pine Springs Visitor Center and walk an extra 3/4 mile round trip along a path through the campground just to reach the trail. Once again, park regulations require all hikers to log in and out at the trail head kiosk. This helps rangers ensure no one is left on a trail overnight.

The trail is listed as 4.2 miles round trip, but the extra trek through the campground increased the distance to five miles, if we had hiked to the end of the trail. Although rated moderate due to some rock scrambling, nothing was mentioned about the Green Pool just behind the Hiker's Staircase. Only a narrow ledge above the right side of the pool is available for continuing the hike. Since I didn't trust my balance to keep me and my pack out of the putrid water, I chose to turn back at this point about 1/8 mile short of Devil's Hall. While the Hiker's Staircase is photogenic, it really isn't worth a five mile hike.

Please remember to carry and drink plenty of water; apply and re-apply sunscreen regularly; wear sun-protective clothing and a wide-brim hat; and be alert for rattlesnakes.

Topographic map with GPS hiking route

Trail elevation profile

Path from visitor center to trail head

Trail head

Trail immediately begins to climb...

...and climb

Trail junction sign

Devil's Hall Trail

Looking across the valley to Hunter Peak

The trail surface is rock or packed dirt and gravel

Looking back toward the campground and visitor center

The trail seems a bit narrow for horses

Great views are common along the trail

Prickly pear beneath jet contrails

Fleabane Daisy

More views along the trail

Mountain Phlox

View from the trail

Indian Paintbrush

Trail to Guadalupe Peak

Trail to Devil's Hall

Trail descends to cross a wash

The trail meanders around boulders

Banana Yucca (Yucca baccata) in bloom

After one mile, the maintained trail ends as the path follows the wash upstream

Beginning up the wash

Boulders impede progress

Social paths like this one bypass some of the more rugged areas

A small rock cairn marks an easier route through the boulders

Few sections are this wide open

Climbing over this Texas Madrone is required

Still more boulders

At this point, I'm beginning to question the "moderate" rating of the hike

Rock hopping on the large boulders seems easier than walking on the smaller ones to the right

Visible sedimentary rocks should mean the staircase is close by

One of the towers of the Devil's Gate

The open gap is the Devil's Gate

The Hiker's Staircase

A closer look at the staircase

The Green Pool from the top of the staircase

Looking beyond the Green Pool toward Devil's Hall

On the return leg, I noticed this large slide area above wash

Blooming cholla cactus

Sand Verbena

Prickly Pear

Looking back at Hunter Peak

An entrance fee of $5 per person is collected at the visitor center or at self-service kiosks at trailhead parking areas. The entrance fee is valid for seven days. Other options include an Interagency Annual Pass providing access to most national park, national forest and BLM fee areas for $80 and a lifetime Interagency Senior Pass for those age 62 and older for $10.

The park website is

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