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Sunday, July 19, 2015

Newspaper Rock - Petrified Forest National Park

Newspaper Rock is located 12 miles from the northern entrance and 16.5 miles from the southern entrance to Petrified Forest National Park. A one-quarter mile access road leads to a parking area with spaces for 24 private passenger vehicles, two wheelchair accessible spaces and three bus or RV spaces. An overlook with spotting telescopes is at the end of a 200 foot paved nearly level walkway. The access road, parking area and overlook overlook are atop a 70 foot high mesa. As the mesa has eroded, the caprock has fractured and tumbled onto the Puerco River floodplain. Over 650 petroglyphs cover several of the rocks. Because the petroglyphs were etched over a period of more than 1300 years, most of the accessible surfaces are covered with them. According to the park service, the markings include "clan symbols, spiritual meanings, and calendar events. Some mark territory boundaries or migratory routes." This was likely a way to pass useful information on to other groups living or passing through the area. If the area were named today, it might be called "Blog Rock" instead of Newspaper Rock. The "Newspaper Rock Petroglyphs Archeological District" was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1976. We stopped on our May 2015 visit to the Southwest.

Looking west from near the overlook at an unnamed mesa (5446' 1.7 miles distant)

Looking northwest at the BNSF freightyard in Adamana

Looking north to Pilot Rock (6234' 13.85 miles)

The fractured edge of the mesa

The valley floor is about 75 feet below the overlook

The jumble of boulders makes it a bit harder to find the petroglyphs

Petroglyphs adorn the base of the farthest boulder

A closer view reveals petroglyphs on two sides

A closeup of the left side

A closeup of the right side

Another rock covered with petroglyphs

A closer view of the second rock

An entry fee of $10 per private vehicle is good for seven consecutive days. Other fee payment options include the America the Beautiful - National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands passes including the Annual Pass ($80), Senior Pass ($10 for lifetime), Access Pass (free with documented disability) and Military Annual Pass (free for active duty personnel).

The park website is

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