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Sunday, December 6, 2015

Primitive Baptist Church in Cades Cove - Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Early September 2015 provided another opportunity to visit Cades Cove in Great Smoky Mountains National Park. While traveling the eleven mile scenic loop road around the cove, we turned down the one-third mile gravel road that leads to the Primitive Baptist Church in the cove.

Fields and mountains from the scenic loop road

Cobb Ridge and Pole Knob (4364')

Parking area and front of the church

Interior of the church

One of eight glass windows

Tipton, Oliver, Wilson, and Sparks headstones are visible here

An overview of the cemetery and rear of the church

Mr and Mrs Shields are buried at the edge of the cemetery

Russell Gregory grazed cattle on his namesake mountain each summer

Another well known family name in the cove

The Tree
(about 800 feet beyond the Methodist Church)

Clearing skies

More fields and mountains

Looking back at the scenic loop road along the base of Rich Mountain

Poisonous Jack O'Lantern Mushrooms growing on a roadside stump
(Omphalotus illudens)

No entrance fee is charged at Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

The park website is

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