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Thursday, January 21, 2016

Thomas Hariot Nature Trail - Fort Raleigh National Historic Site

Our October 2015 visit to Fort Raleigh National Historic Site concluded with an easy one-third mile hike along the Thomas Hariot Nature Trail loop. The trail begins and ends near the reconstructed Fort Raleigh. An intersecting trail near the start connects the Waterside Theatre and the Administration Building. Continue straight on the nature trail. At the end of the loop, the nature trail terminates at the intersecting trail. A left turn and then a quick right will bring you back to the fort and the paved path back to the visitor center.

Thomas Hariot was the only Englishman on the 1585 expedition able to speak the Carolina Algonquian language of the Pamlico tribes. By necessity, he became the translator for Sir Ralph Lane. In addition, he was a mathematician, developing the "English school" of algebra, and an astronomer, mapping the moon a few months before Galileo. He published his account of the voyage, A Briefe and True Report of the New Found Land of Virginia, in 1588.

Nature Trail near intersection with the Administration - Waterside Theatre trail

Albemarle Sound

Typical trail conditions

Another view of Albemarle Sound

An ancient live oak tree

More of the trail as it climbs back over the one "hill" along the route

Entrance to site is the free. Within the park, two non-federal park partners charge fees:
The park website is

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