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Friday, May 6, 2016

Browns Gap to Doyles River Cabin Trailhead - Appalachian Trail - Shenandoah National Park

The third, and final, leg of our fifth day of day hiking on the Appalachian National Scenic Trail (AT) in Shenandoah National Park was the longest of the day at 2.2 miles. We hiked north from Browns Gap to the intersection with the Doyles River Trail. The segment starts with a 0.3 mile 11% grade before moderating to about 6% for the next 800 feet. At 0.6 miles, the trail reaches the summit and intersection with the Big Run Loop Trail. After 0.9 miles, the trail crosses back to the east side of Skyline Drive. The Doyles River Overlook is reached in 1.3 miles and the Doyles River Trail in 2.2 miles. Access to the parking area and Skyline Drive is just a couple hundred feet west of the trail intersection. We hiked in mid-April 2016, just days before this portion of the AT was closed due to the Rocky Mtn Fire that burned over 10,000 acres of the park.

Topographic map with GPS route

Elevation profile

AT marker and blaze at Browns Gap

The trail has been built with a stone edge on the downslope side

Another view of some of the rock work along the trail

Climbing through mountain laurel

A more open forest atop the ridge

Big Run Loop Trail intersection

Approaching Skyline Drive from the west

The trail parallels and then crosses the road

After crossing the road, the trail follows a large rock outcrop

Climbing through the rock outcrops

A nice view from above the rock outcrops

Following the ridge north

Descending to view more rock formations

Passing below the cliff

Rock bench

Ferns growing in a natural planter

Non-native wild mustard

The trail skirts more large outcrops

More ridge walking

Descending to Doyles River Overlook

Signpost has been removed

View from Doyles River Overlook

Another view from the overlook

Looking back at Cedar Mountain to the south

The trail returns to the woods at the northern end of the overlook

The trail follows the ridge line...

...before dropping off the east side of the ridge

The green grass of a Skyline Drive embankment provides a backdrop for a huge boulder

After passing through a dense forest of small trees... 

...the trail goes through a more open forest

Descending and dodging an outcrop

The AT crosses Doyles River Trail 

West on Doyles River Trail a very short distance leads up to the parking area

A Shenandoah National Park entry fee of $20 per vehicle, $15 per motorcycle or $10 per person is valid for seven consecutive days. Other fee payment options include the America the Beautiful - National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands passes including the Annual Pass ($80), Senior Pass ($10 for lifetime), Access Pass (free with documented disability) and Military Annual Pass (free for active duty personnel).

The Shenandoah National Park website is

The Appalachian National Scenic Trail website is
The Appalachian Trail Conservancy website is

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