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Wednesday, June 8, 2016

Falls Branch Falls - Cherokee National Forest

Falls Branch Falls is a picturesque 70 foot high waterfall in the Citico Creek Wilderness area of the Cherokee National Forest in Tennessee. Access to the falls is by way of the 1.3 mile National Forest Service (NFS) trail 87. The trailhead is at the West Rattlesnake Rock pullout on the Cherohala Skyway (TN 165). The pullout is about 22.4 miles east of the TN 165 intersection with TN 68 in Tellico Plains.

The trail is not blazed, but fairly easy to follow. The first 0.9 miles follows an old road that was partially overgrown leaving a single track in many places. After 0.9 miles, the trail turns away from the road to the right. While I've been told there was a sign pointing toward the path, I didn't see it. However, a downed tree now completely blocks the road at the location so the path is easy to find. After a very short climb, the trail drops into the Citico Creek drainage basin and follows a series of stream-beds down to Falls Branch. After rock hopping the creek, the trail climbs steeply through a rhododendron thicket to a small clearing with a decent view of the waterfall. An additional climb up through another thicket leads to the base of the falls. I met one other person on the trail during my hike in late May 2016. Due to the loose rocks on the steep descent and the scrambling required to climb up to the base of the falls, I would not recommend this trail for children or other inexperienced hikers.

Topographic map with GPS route

Elevation profile


Wide single track on an old roadbed

There is a six foot clearance under the tree

Cherohala Skyway is visible from the trail in a couple of places

Single track along the old road

A downed tree blocks at the location where the trail turns right and leaves the road

Trail conditions deteriorate upon leaving the gravel road

Sawtooth Blackberry (Rubus argutus)

Summit of the short climb up from the road

The trail zigzags steeply downhill around downed trees

The trail continues down the hill

A wet weather drainage follows the trail

The trail climbs out of a streambed to the right

Crossing a massive root system

Another rock hopping opportunity

Falls Branch

Rock hopping the branch

View downstream from the middle of the creek

Steep, narrow climb between moss covered rocks

Small waterfall and cascade beside the trail

A partially obstructed view of Falls Branch Falls

Falls Branch Falls

View from the base of the falls

View downstream from the base of the falls

Entry to Cherokee National Forest is free. A fee may be charged to utilize specific day use areas. Camping also requires payment of a fee.

The Cherokee National Forest website is

The Falls Branch Falls webpage is

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