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Thursday, March 9, 2017

Middle Prong Trail - Great Smoky Mountains National Park

We hiked the Middle Prong Trail to the Panther Creek Trail junction in Great Smoky Mountains National Park again in early October 2016. This was our third outing of the year on this trail. The trailhead is located at the end of Upper Tremont Road. Upper Tremont Road begins a the intersection of Tremont Road and the driveway to the Great Smoky Mountain Institute at Tremont. Tremont Road and Upper Tremont Road combined are about five miles long. Details of our 8.4 mile round-trip hike in March 2016, including a topographic map, can be viewed here.

We were a bit too early for the fall foliage, but the 4.6 mile round-trip walk to the Panther Creek Trail junction kept us beside the quick flowing and always changing Lynn Camp Prong the entire way.

Pedestrian and equestrian bridge across Lynn Camp Prong from parking area to trailhead

Lynn Camp Prong Cascades

Another view of Lynn Camp Prong Cascades

Upper end of Lynn Camp Prong Cascades

A four-foot waterfall on Lynn Camp Prong

The trail follows an old logging railroad

Lynn Camp Prong flows over two rock ledges

Looking downstream below the rock ledges

Panther Creek Trail fording of Lynn Camp Prong

Entry to Great Smoky Mountains National Park is free.

The park website is

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