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Monday, July 3, 2017

Stack Rock Creek to Linville Falls Spur Road - Blue Ridge Parkway

Continuing my June 2017 drive on the Blue Ridge Parkway, I drove south from Linn Cove Viaduct to Stack Rock Parking Area (MP 304.8), Grandfather Mountain Overlook (MP 306.6), and Lost Cove Cliffs Overlook (MP 310.0). At the Linville Falls Spur Road (MP 316.4), I turned off the parkway to visit the falls. Along the way to the falls, I stopped at the River Bend Overlook on the spur road.

Parkway bridge over Stack Rock Creek

Mile High Swinging Bridge atop Grandfather Mountain

View southeast at Stack Rock Parking Area

Grandfather Mountain was shrouded in fog at View Grandfather Mountain Overlook

Lost Cove Cliffs visible through the trees

Linville River at River Bend Overlook

Rock bluffs at River Bend Overlook

Entry to the parkway is free.

The parkway website is

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