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Friday, July 14, 2017

Triple Falls - DuPont State Recreational Forest

Triple Falls is the third of four waterfalls on the Little River in DuPont State Recreational Forest in North Carolina. The river drops about 120 feet over the course of the three falls. The Triple Falls Trail provides access to the base of the lowest drop and further up the trail a view of all three falls through the trees. Finally, it allows access to the river above the lowest falls by means of a series of 111 wooden stairs interspersed with landings and benches. 

The Triple Falls Trail is a gravel lane that starts at the Hooker Falls parking lot. After crossing the Little River at the trailhead, the trail heads upstream and passes under Staton Road. In the first ¼ mile, the trail is relatively flat with a net elevation gain of about 20 feet. A sign at this point notes that the High Falls Trail and Triple Falls are to the right and uphill. However, a clear path straight ahead leads to the base of the lowest level of Triple Falls. The base of the falls is reached in about 0.2 miles. Be aware that some of the bedrock "steps" are 18 to 20 inches high and walking on wet rock can be very hazardous. However, almost all of the route I took was dry with the exception of crossing the runoff from one small spring or seep. Retrace your steps back to the sign and start climbing the hill. In 500 feet reach a viewpoint along a fence of all three drops of Triple Falls. The climb from the sign at the bottom of the hill to this point is a 16% grade. Continue to climb up the road for another 200 feet on a slightly less strenuous 14% grade and reach another junction. Turn left here and descend the 111 wooden steps to the riverbank above the lowest drop. This area is closed if the water is too high. Signs note that climbing on the rocks is very risky and people have died at this location. If you stay away from the water and the brink, you shouldn't have any problems as there was a wide expanse of nearly flat, dry rock. 

The total round trip distance from the trailhead to the middle observation level without viewing the base of the lower level is just over 0.8 miles. Including the walk along the river to the base of the lower falls will increase the total distance to 1.2 miles. The net elevation change is about 140 feet to the top of the stairs. The stairs descend 75 to 80 feet to the riverside. Although this is a short hike, I would rate it as moderate due to the steep climb and numerous stairs. To extend the hike, continue on up the trail to views of High Falls from the base or from the trail. I hiked the trail in July 2017.

Topographic map with GPS route

Elevation profile

Trailhead bridge over Little River

Passing under Staton Road

Typical trail conditions

Straight ahead to the river, turn right to begin the climb

Path to the river

Cascades below the falls

Cascades below the falls

Small waterfalls

Lowest drop of Triple Falls

High Falls Trail ascends on a 16% grade

Triple Falls

Picnic shelter on the trail

Top of the stairs



...and down some more

Middle and upper drops

Upper drop

Middle drop

Brink of the lower drop

The wide, dry rock on the left is used as a path to the base of the lower drop

Entry to DuPont State Recreational Forest is free.

The friends of the forest website is
The forest website is

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