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Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Little Manitou Falls - Pattison State Park

The Black River drops 30 feet at Little Manitou Falls in Pattison State Park in Wisconsin. The main part of the park is located about 13 miles south of downtown Superior on Wisconsin route 35. The twin falls are over a mile upstream of Big Manitou Falls in the same park. Little Manitou Falls can be accessed by hiking from the shelter near the park office. The hike includes one mile of the Beaver Trail around Interfalls Lake to the CCC bridge and another ½ mile up the Little Manitou Falls Trail to the falls. An easier option is to drive to within a few dozen yards of the falls. From the park office, turn left or south onto Wisconsin route 35 and drive one mile. Turn left again at the brown park sign denoting the falls and continue 0.1 mile to a parking area on the right. Walk across the road to the trailhead and down the stairs. The falls are audible from the road and will soon be visible on the right. The short walk of less than 100 yards is part of the multiple state North Country National Scenic Trail. We visited in early August 2017.

North Country Trail sign

View from the trail

A closer look from the trail

Side trail down to the riverbank

Large plunge pool from the riverbank

A closer view from the riverbank

View downstream

Entry to Wisconsin State Parks requires an entrance fee. Vehicles with Wisconsin plates may enter for $8 per day or $28 per calendar year. Out-of-state vehicles are assessed a fee of $11 per day or $38 per calendar year.

The Pattison State Park website is

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