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Friday, September 11, 2020

Max Patch Summit to Lemon Gap - Appalachian Trail

In early May 2019, we resumed our short-segment hiking of the Appalachian Trail. On this day, we would hike the 5.4-mile distance from the summit of Max Patch to Lemon Gap. The entire route is in North Carolina except for Lemon Gap itself being on the Tennessee-North Carolina border. The trail descends 1079 feet (4629' at Max Patch to 3550' at Lemon Gap) yielding an easy downgrade of less than 4%. 

Topographic map with GPS route

Elevation profile

View from the summit of Max Patch

Another view from the summit

One more view from the summit

Trail junction to Max Patch parking lot ½ mile left

Entering the woods

Crossing a drainage

Typical trail conditions

The fence is obviously meant to keep hikers out of the spring

Looking back at Max Patch

Yellow Trillium (Trillium luteum)

Junction with the Buckeye Ridge Trail

The "Green Tunnel" isn't quite green yet

Re-entering the green tunnel

This stile keeps horses on the bridle trail and off the AT

Crossing the horse trail

Another stile completes the exclusion

Stream crossing

The stream formed a second route across the trail...

...and muddied the trail beyond

Painted Trillium (Trillium undulatum)

Switchback stairs and another hiker

Wake Robin or Red Trillium (Trillium erectum)

Side path to the Roaring Fork Shelter

White Trillium (Trillium grandiflorum)

A White Trillium fading to pink

Open forest

A trillium covered hillside

Back in the Green Tunnel

Crossing another stream

A pretty, little stream

Timber stairs

A stream crossing worthy of log bridge #1

Yes, this is the trail

Sidehill climbing

A switchback on the trail

One of the noisiest streams we've encountered today

Log bridge #2

Switchback after crossing a stream

Rock hopping

Sit and rest a spell

Another trillium explosion of color

I wonder why the bark was sanded off for this double blaze

One more stream crossing

Waterbar-style stream crossing

More trillium

Rock hopping crossing

A tangle of roots

A stepover crossing

Climbing away from the stream

Bowman's Root (Porteranthus trifoliatus)

The AT on the opposite side of a ravine

Eastern Towhee (Pipilo erythrophthalmus)

Log bridge #3

Log bridge #4

Log bridge #5

Timber and rock stairs mark another stream crossing

Typical sidehill trail

The end is in sight

Lemon Gap

Entry to Pisgah National Forest is free.

The North Carolina National Forests webpage is

The Appalachian National Scenic Trail website is
The Appalachian Trail Conservancy website is

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