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Friday, December 18, 2020

Blue Hen Falls Trail - Cuyahoga Valley National Park

Blue Hen Falls is a small, single-drop waterfall on Spring Creek in Cuyahoga Valley National Park. A short trail provides access to the falls from the Boston Mills Road trailhead. The gravel parking area at the trailhead has space for only three vehicles, but the overflow gravel parking area on the south side of Boston Mills Road has space for about thirty vehicles. 

While the trailhead sign shows the distance to be 1/6th mile or 880 feet, the actual distance from the overflow lot to the falls is about ¼ mile or 1340 feet, yielding a ½ mile round trip. From the overflow lot to the trailhead is relatively flat, the trail does descend 50 feet from the trailhead to the falls.

The parking lot and overflow lot are currently closed due to COVID-19. Parking on Boston Mills Road is dangerous and illegal. Visitors are asked to park at the Boston Mill Visitor Center and hike the Buckeye Trail up to the trailhead. This adds about two miles to the roundtrip hike and an additional 200-foot climb to reach the trailhead.

We hiked the short trail during our November 2019 trip to Cuyahoga Valley National Park. 

Trailhead parking is very limited

Trailhead trash receptacle and information kiosk


Top of the trail was formerly a driveway

Ice on the bridge

View upstream from the bridge

View downstream from the bridge

Nearing the end of the trail and the safety railing

Blue Hen Falls from the railing

A second view

Social trail down to a lower view

View from the social trail


Spring Creek under the bridge

There is no entrance fee at Cuyahoga Valley National Park.

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