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Monday, January 11, 2021

Frazier Discovery Trail - Shenandoah National Park

During our late September 2020 trip to Shenandoah National Park, we took a break from driving Skyline Drive and stopped at the Loft Mountain Wayside. After perusing the gift shop with masks and social distancing, we decided to get some fresh air while hiking the Frazier Discovery Trail. This 1.2 mile loop trail climbs 429 feet to a couple of viewpoints atop the mountain. The trail is rated as easy, but it is far steeper than other easy trails I have hiked. The park provides the following information on its Loft Mountain Area map:
From the north end of the Loft Mountain Wayside parking area at mile 79.5, cross Skyline Drive and follow the blue-blazed Frazier Discovery Trail. Go right at the intersection and follow the steep uphill grade to where the trail joins the Appalachian Trail. Turn left, staying on the blue-blazed trail and left again at the next trail post to descend to your starting point. No pets.
A link to the online trail map is included below.

Unfortunately for us, the low clouds that had been obscuring our views from numerous overlooks along Skyline Drive became dense fog as we approached the viewpoint on the trail.

Trailhead information

Pedestrian crossing of Skyline Drive

Beginning of the loop (we turned right)

Typical trail conditions

Rock outcrop


Appalachian Trail signpost

Social trail to the left leads to the first viewpoint

Viewpoint is fogged in

Northbound on the AT

Departing from the AT

Copperhead at the official viewpoint

Second copperhead just a few feet from the first

A no-view view

Skyline Drive is barely visible

The trail descends along the base of this rock wall

More of the rocky bluff

Typical trail conditions on the descent

Blue blaze leading us back to the wayside

A Shenandoah National Park entry fee of $30 per vehicle, $25 per motorcycle, or $15 per person is valid for seven consecutive days. Other fee payment options include the America the Beautiful - National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands passes including the Annual Pass ($80), Senior Pass ($80 for a lifetime), Access Pass (free with a documented disability), and Military Annual Pass (free for active-duty personnel). Also available is a Shenandoah Annual Pass for $55. 

The Loft Mountain Area Road and Trail Map (dated 2/2020 as this is posted) is at

The Shenandoah National Park website is

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