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Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Trail of the Cedars Nature Trail - Glacier National Park

Leaving North Lake McDonald Road, we decided to head northeast toward Avalanche and try to find a parking space. This time, we managed to snag a spot and hiked the 0.8 mile Trail of the Cedars Nature Trail. Most of the trail is on a boardwalk and the rest is a wide, well-maintained trail with a smooth surface. The trail is wheelchair accessible. According to posted signs, the restrooms need some remodeling work to make them compliant. We visited the park in May 2021.

Western Hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) near the trailhead

Trail crosses the Avalanche Campground entrance road

Western Red Cedar (Thuja plicata)

Campground trail access

Campground amphitheater

Fallen western red cedar in Avalanche Creek

Storm debris hung up on the brink of a cascade


Avalanche Creek

Upper bridge over Avalanche Creek

Avalanche Gorge above the upper bridge


Western Hemlock

Bench on the boardwalk

This Western Red Cedar is as wide as the boardwalk

Black Cottonwood (Populus trichocarpa)

Root system of a Western Red Cedar

Pacific trillium (Trillium ovatum)

Runoff from recent rains

Boardwalk meanders around several large trees

More boardwalk

The new lower bridge over Avalanche Creek

View upstream with Bearhat Mountain in the distance

Completing the loop at the campground entrance road

A Glacier National Park entry fee of $35 per vehicle, $30 per motorcycle, or $20 per person is valid for seven consecutive days. Other fee payment options include the America the Beautiful - National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands passes including the Annual Pass ($80), Senior Pass ($80 for a lifetime), Access Pass (free with a documented disability), and Military Annual Pass (free for active-duty personnel). Also available is a Glacier Annual Pass for $70. 

The Glacier National Park website is

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