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Saturday, October 1, 2022

Bartlett Cove - Glacier Bay National Park

Bartlett Cove is the only developed area in Glacier Bay National Park. With the vast majority of the park being set aside as wilderness, it is likely to remain the only developed area. The paved Park Road leads from the community of Gustavus past the park headquarters to the Glacier Bay Lodge. The Tlingit Trail proceeds from the public dock in the west past the lodge, the Tlingit Tribal House, staff housing, and ends at Park Road near the park headquarters. The images below are from two days in August 2022.

View northeast from Tlingit Trail

A boat anchored in the cove with two unnamed mountains about 12 miles away

Clouds stream across the mountains on the east end of the cove

Part of the dock and Lester Island from the Tlingit Trail

More of the dock

Fuel dock

Ranger Station communications building

Ranger Station and Visitor Information Station

This birch canoe is dedicated to George Dalton, Sr, and was built in 1987 using traditional methods

View of the cove from the lodge dining building

Another view from the lodge

Mount Crillon (12,726' 49 miles distant)

Cloud reflections

A cruise ship enters the park (a maximum of 2 are allowed per day)


There is no entrance fee at Glacier Bay National Park.

The Glacier Bay National Park website is

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