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Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Brooks Camp - Katmai National Park

Brooks Camp is the only developed area in Katmai National Park. Located on the banks of Naknek Lake, the camp consists of a visitor center, vault toilets, food and gear storage areas, cabins, a dining hall, restrooms with running water, a concessionaire office, the lodge check-in station, and a bookstore and giftshop. The lake shore at the camp is used as a mooring spot for numerous floatplanes and small boats throughout the day.

Upon arrival, all visitors are required to attend a 15- to 20-minute bear safety class. in the visitor center. In addition, all scented items including all food must be stored in the walk-in food locker at all times. The visitor center has an information desk, a very small bookstore, and a front room that has been converted into a theater for viewing the bear safety video and follow-up discussions with a ranger.

Shore of Naknek Lake with floatplanes

Food locker, gear locker, and vault toilets at the visitor center

Visitor Center side entrance

The opposite side of the Visitor Center

Cabins sleep four and have a private restroom with running water

Dining Hall

Lodge office and check-in desk with a trading post at the rear

A brown bear wanders through camp

There is no entrance fee at Katmai National Park.

The Katmai National Park website is

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