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Wednesday, November 2, 2022

Ladder Creek Falls Trail - North Cascades National Park

Continuing our September 2022 visit to the North Cascades National Park Service Complex, we stopped in Newhalem to explore the Seattle City Light trail system across the river from the historic town. 

While inside the boundaries of the park complex, Washington route 20, the Skagit River, the Seattle City Light dams, and powerlines are in the Ross Lake National Recreation Area and not technically in the national park. However, the separate areas have a single administration with almost all the infrastructure being in the Ross Lake NRA and the Lake Chelan NRA to the south. It is likely that many, or even most, visitors aren't aware of the administrative divisions.

The 0.4-mile loop trail begins at the far end of the suspension bridge across the Skagit River. The trail has numerous concrete steps along the way to a view of the waterfall on Ladder Creek. One side trail includes a bridge across the creek, but the far end of the bridge is blocked along with all the trails on that side of the creek. The waterfall is fairly small and only visible from a couple of places along the route.

Pedestrian suspension bridge

Gorge powerhouse

Skagit River looking upstream

Skagit River looking downstream

End of the suspension bridge

Part of the Seattle City Light Gardens

More of the gardens

Seattle City Light information board

Another view of the powerhouse

First view of Ladder Creek

Another glimpse of the creek

Typical trail and handrail conditions

Bridge over Ladder Creek

View of Ladder Creek upstream from the bridge

View of Ladder Creek downstream from the bridge

Sandbags fill in a trail washout

More of the trail system

Ladder Creek Falls

Another view of the falls

The upper portion of the falls also called "The Flume"

Rocks carved by the creek

Bridge over Ladder Creek

Another bridge

A few of the many stairs on the trail system

There is no entrance fee at North Cascades National Park.

The North Cascades National Park website is

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