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Sunday, November 6, 2022

North Cascades Scenic Highway - Washington Route 20 - North Cascades National Park

On our September 2022 visit to North Cascades National Park, we've already posted about several scenic locations on the west side of the park and Ross Lake National Recreation Area (NRA) along the North Cascades Scenic Highway (Washington Route 20). These include

We drove east along the scenic highway to the eastern boundaries of the park and the NRA and then backtracked to stop at a few of the viewpoints along the north side of the highway. 

Ross Lake Overlooks MM 135.3 and MM 135.1

Interpretive sign - Glaciers

Jack Mountain (9066' 5 miles)

Mount Prophet (7640' 10 miles)

Ross Lake with Ruby Arm in the foreground

Unnamed peaks (left  7244' 8.2 miles and right 6532' 7.1 miles)

Twin peaks of Hozomeen Mountain (8066' and 7383' 17.6 miles)
and Ross Lake

An unnamed ridge partially blocks the view of Desolation Peak (6102' 12.7 miles)
and the eastern peak of Hozomeen Mountain

Interpretive sign - Fire Lookouts

Another view of Jack Mountain

Ross Dam Overlook mile marker 133.0

Interpretive sign - Mountain Power Plant

Ross Dam

View west to Davis Peak (7051' 5.8 miles) and the Skagit River Gorge

Colonial Peak (center 7771' 4.3 miles) and Paul Bunyans Stump (extreme right 7480' 4.8 miles)

Diablo Lake Overlook mile marker 131.7

Davis Peak above Diablo Lake

Jack Mountain

Raised-relief map

Diablo Lake

Thunder Arm of Diablo Lake

An unnamed peak (5161'), Colonial Peak, Paul Bunyans Stump, and Pyramid Peak (7182')

There is no entrance fee at North Cascades National Park.

The North Cascades National Park website is

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