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Friday, July 3, 2015

Mather Point - Grand Canyon National Park

Mather Point is located near the main visitor center about two miles east of Grand Canyon Village in Grand Canyon National Park. It is named after Stephen Mather, the first director of the National Park Service. A memorial plaque presented to the park in 1931 quotes Louis C. Cramton:
He laid the foundation of the National Park Service, defining and establishing the policies under which its areas shall be developed and conserved unimpaired for future generations. There will never come an end to the good that he has done.
Access to the point was rebuilt in 2010 to add a wide concrete ramp as well as resurfacing the old steps. Views to the north and east are available from the point. We visited in May 2015.

Mather Point

Stephen Mather memorial plaque

Mather Point is not a place to find solitude

Additional viewpoints on the second point

Granite Gorge with Osiris Temple (6613' 7.3 miles), Shiva Temple (7616' 7.2 mi) and Isis Temple (7006' 5.7 mi)

Isis Temple, Cheops Pyramid, Pipe Spring Canyon and Bright Angel Canyon

Plateau Point and Trail

Pipe Spring Canyon

Pipe Spring Canyon and Bright Angel Trail

Closer view of Bright Angel Trail along Pipe Creek

Phantom Canyon, Bright Angel Canyon and Granite Gorge

Tonto Trail in the foreground with Phantom Ranch at the mouth of Bright Angel Canyon

Closer view of Phantom Ranch

Bright Angel Canyon and Brahma Temple (7551' 6.1 mi)

Brahma Temple (7551' 6.1 miles) and Zoroaster Temple (7123' 5.3 mi)

Clear Creek Canyon, Cape Royal (7865' 9.6 mi) and Wotans Throne (7668' 8.0 mi)

Cedar Ridge, Pattie Butte (5315' 3.0 mi), Hawkins Butte (5320' 6.1 mi), and Vishnu Temple (7533' 9.8 mi)

Looking down over the railing

Another view over the railing

An entry fee of $30 per private vehicle is collected at three entrance stations and is good for seven consecutive days at both the South and North Rims. Other fee payment options include the America the Beautiful - National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands passes including the Annual Pass ($80), Senior Pass ($10 for lifetime), Access Pass (free with documented disability) and Military Annual Pass (free for active duty personnel).

The park website is

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