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Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Mather Point - Grand Canyon National Park

As we started heading back east on our March 2018 to visit the remaining national parks in California, we stopped for a visit at the south rim of Grand Canyon National Park. After parking in the nearly Disney-sized parking area near the visitor center, our first stop was at Mather Point. The point is named in memory of Stephen Tyng Mather, an ardent promoter of the national parks and the first director of the National Park Service. A bronze plaque near the overlook states:
"He laid the foundation of the National Park Service, defining and establishing the policies under which its areas shall be developed and conserved unimpaired for future generations. There will never come an end to the good that he has done."
While the views of the canyon from the Watchtower at Navajo Point 16 miles east, 22.5 miles by road,  are arguably better, Mather Point provides a striking view of Bright Angel Canyon and a glimpse of the area around Phantom Ranch on the Colorado River.

Mather plaque

Mather Point

Bright Angel Canyon

O'Neill Butte (6071')

Rain in the canyon from Zoroaster Temple (7123') to Clear Creek

Yaqui Point (7268') behind an unnamed rock formation

Light and shadow play across the canyon at Pipe Creek

View from Cheops Pyramid (5401') on far left to Bradley Point (5244') on far right

Visitors viewing the canyon from an unofficial overlook

Bird's eye view

Rain has ceased in this view from Bright Angel Canyon and Sumner Butte (5126')
to Cape Royal (7865'), Wootans Throne (7668'), and Vishnu Temple (7533')

Brilliant sunshine highlights the formations below the north rim

Isis Temple (7006')

As of June 1, 2018, entrance to Grand Canyon National Park requires an entry fee of $35 per passenger vehicle for a 7-day pass. Any of the America the Beautiful passes may be used instead.

The park website is

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