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Tuesday, October 4, 2022

Forest Trail - Glacier Bay National Park

As noted previously, Bartlett Cove is the only developed area in Glacier Bay National Park. After hiking the Beach Trail, we continued our August 2022 one-mile loop by returning to the lodge via the easy Forest Trail. Bartlett Cove and the surrounding area are part of a large temperate rainforest. Luckily, the weather was warm and dry during our hike.

Trail intersection with the Beach Trail (left and right)

Trailhead interpretive sign

Typical trail conditions

The only stairs I recall along the way

We saw lots of mushrooms

Another view of the trail

Water lilies (Nymphaeaceae) cover a small pond

A log bench at the water lily pond

Plant succession from rocky ground to mature forest

Another pond provides an opening in the canopy

A bear likely shredded this snag while searching for grubs

Raised trail crosses a waterlogged area

This rock and moss remind me of a bison shedding its winter coat

Moss covers everything

Shelf fungus on a snag

Three trees have fallen across this pond

First view of Blackwater Pond

From here to the lodge is handicap accessible

Glacial Erratic in Blackwater Pond

Another view of Blackwater Pond

The typical boardwalk is too narrow for wheelchairs to meet but there are several "pullouts"

Side path to another overlook

Tlingit carving

A last look at Blackwater Pond

More boardwalk

Trail intersects Park Road

No trail to the right

Forest Trail continues to the left and crosses Park Road

Once across the road a small sign confirms the route

More boardwalk...

...but not continuous

Rootball of a downed tree

Back to a gravel surface

Back at the lodge

There is no entrance fee at Glacier Bay National Park.

The Glacier Bay National Park website is

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