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Wednesday, October 5, 2022

Tlingit Trail - Glacier Bay National Park

Our final hike at Glacier Bay National Park during our August 2022 visit was the Tlingit Trail. This ½-mile trail is rated easy. The trail starts at the Ranger Station or the Healing Totem Pole and continues parallel to the shore all the way to Park Road near park headquarters. Instead of hiking the trail twice, we hiked about half the distance on the trail and about halfway along the shore for a one-mile hike. The trail is wide and level from the Healing Totem Pole to Xunaa Shuká Hít, the Huna Tribal House. Beyond that, it devolves into a footpath. 

Looking back at the trail toward the whale exhibit from the rear of the lodge

View toward the Huna Tribal House from the rear of the lodge

Native vegetation at the lodge

The Huna Tribal House

A social path down to the shore

Looking back at the dock

Glacial erratics on Lagoon Island

The trail narrows

Looking back from the end of the trail

Park Road at the end of the trail

Another view of Bartlett Cove and Lagoon Island

Glacial erratic

The short, but winding trail

There is no entrance fee at Glacier Bay National Park.

The Glacier Bay National Park website is

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